With the dramatically changing needs of today’s consumer, are you still offering the same pedicure? Elevate your pedicure knowledge and business in four days of powerful training in the NASP advanced European-style pedicure workshop. NASP has become the leading authority in foot care related education. Educate~Elevate~Differentiate your pedicures to pedi-CARE!
Course content and topics:
Learn the latest techniques from seasoned educators with extensive background in the foot care and medical industries
Learn implications of diabetes and chronic illness for the pedicurist as well as techniques for pedicuring seniors
Learn the common structural deformities, diseases and disorders of the skin and nail of the feet
Learn new pedicure techniques including the B/S Brace Technique for involuted nails and toenail reconstruction, in our hands-on practical workshop
Learn how to implement the 3 R’s “Recognize – Recommend – Refer”
Become one of the best pedicurists in the industry!
Increase your revenue stream by applying new professional skills
Learn how to work with an electric file and precision implements and bits
Class includes a Workbook and Certificate of Attendance, and Class Kit – 8 Piece Implement Kit and three bits (worth over $250)
NASP is the ONLY Advanced Pedicure Program offering the prestigious designation of CMP (Certified Master Pedicurist) ® *